Labour relations
Labour Relations Code, legislation, mediation services, publications and collective bargaining agreements.
Search current and file new collective bargaining agreements (CBAs). Find information, reports and statistics about the unionized workforce.
List of methods for solving disputes in collective bargaining.
New supports are in place to help unionized employees, or employees that may become part of a union, better understand and exercise their rights.
Learn about the collective bargaining process and how collective agreements are reached with government-funded employees in Alberta.
Adjudicative process used when there is disagreement within collective agreement or if one party violates the terms of the agreement.
This voluntary process is used to help employers and unions solve grievances before they go to arbitration.
Acts and regulations that cover labour relations in Alberta.
Process for solving labour and management disputes in collective bargaining negotiations.
Albertans will be better informed and have more choice when rules for union dues election and financial statements take effect.