K to 12 curriculum and programs of study
Curriculum development and programs of study for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students.
Find optional learning resources for Alberta's Kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum.
How the Kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum is being renewed.
School authorities can find out how to plan, program and fund new dual credit learning opportunities for high school students.
Refocusing on essential knowledge in Alberta’s elementary schools.
School authorities can provide unique learning opportunities to help meet the needs of students and communities.
Parents of K-12 students can find out what their child is learning, how they are assessed and what resources are available to help them.
The New.LearnAlberta.ca will give teachers the tools and resources they need to develop learning opportunities for their students.
Find out more about what students learn in Alberta's K to 12 education system and get resources to support their learning.