Jordan applications

Find out how many Jordan applications have been filed in Alberta.

Trial timelines

The Supreme Court of Canada’s 2016 R. v. Jordan decision – often called the ‘Jordan decision’ – establishes timelines that trials must be heard by:

  • 18 months after charges are laid – for a province’s main entry point into the court system (example: Court of Justice of Alberta)
  • 30 months after charges are laid – for a province’s superior court (example: Court of King’s Bench of Alberta)

Filed applications

The annually updated status of filed Jordan applications is posted in late June, each year.

Number of filed applications

27  'Jordan' applications have been filed in Alberta courts between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024:

  • 6 are pending
  • 2 were dismissed by the court
  • 2 were granted
  • 2 were abandoned by the defence
  • 8 were proactively stayed by the Crown on the basis they would not survive the 'Jordan' application
  • 7 were resolved unrelated to 'Jordan'