Notification letter templates
Levels of consultation require their own degree of notification. The templates available below are intended to help proponents connect and specify to First Nations, Metis settlements, or Credibly Asserted Métis Communities, which of the 3 levels of consultation is being initiated.
For First Nations
- Notification Letter to First Nation on Project / Plan – Level 1: Streamlined Consultation
- Notification Letter to First Nation on Project / Plan – Level 2: Standard Consultation
- Notification Letter to First Nation on Project / Plan – Level 3: Extensive Consultation
For Metis Settlements or Credibly Asserted Métis Communities
- Notification Letter to Metis Settlement or Credibly Asserted Métis Community on Project / Plan – Level 1: Streamlined Consultation
- Notification Letter to Metis Settlement or Credibly Asserted Métis Community on Project / Plan – Level 2: Standard Consultation
- Notification Letter to Metis Settlement or Credibly Asserted Métis Community on Project / Plan – Level 3: Extensive Consultation
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Record of Consultation Log
Proponents will maintain a complete record of consultation efforts using the provided Record of Consultation (ROC) Log template:
Consultation log review
Once consultation is concluded, proponents are required to complete the ROC log and, when required, send it to the First Nations or Metis Settlements, or both, for review of errors or omissions. For more information, refer to The Government of Alberta’s Proponent Guide to First Nations, Metis Settlements and Credibly Asserted Métis Communities Consultation Procedures.
A sample Record of Consultation Log Review Letter for each level of consultation is available, if required.
Concern and response table
The Consultation Concern and Response Table is used at the direction of a government Consultation Advisor to document specific concerns raised regarding project consultation.
Supplemental information
Pre-Consultation Assessment Requests that contain activities regulated under the Forests Act must include a Forestry Activities Supplement Form providing additional details in the fillable document.