Indigenous consultation areas in Alberta

Government of Alberta’s notices for revisions to Indigenous consultation areas.

Consultation areas

The Government of Alberta has the right and responsibility to change the geographic area in which consultation with a particular First Nation or Metis Settlement is directed. This is done when more information becomes available about the First Nation’s or Metis Settlement members’ activities.

The more the province’s mapped consultation areas coincides with the geographic area in which the First Nation is exercising treaty rights and traditional uses or the Metis Settlement members are exercising harvesting and traditional use activities, the lower the risk of conflicts and the higher the probability of an effective consultation.

Upcoming revisions

More consultation area revisions are expected as work continues with First Nations, Metis Settlements and Credibly Asserted Metis Communities regarding their particular geographic areas in which consultation is to be directed.

Some of the First Nations, Metis Settlements and Credibly Asserted Metis Communities that have recently provided additional information includes:

  • Swan River First Nation
  • Louis Bull Tribe
  • Alexander First Nation
  • Driftpile Cree Nation
  • Sucker Creek First Nation

Implemented revision notices


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