Part of Income Support

Income Support – Eligibility

To be eligible for Income Support, you must meet a number of criteria.

There are several factors that affect your eligibility for income support. If you meet these criteria, you can apply for Income Support. The process typically takes 2 weeks.

Age and residency

You must:

  • live in Alberta
  • be at least 18 years old
  • be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, refugee or refugee claimant


You must:

  • be unable to pay for your basic needs
  • not have income or assets that exceeds:
    • $5,000 in RRSPs per adult
    • $10,000 equity in vehicles
  • not have income that exceeds what you would receive from Income Support core benefits
  • not have cash or savings that exceed the liquid asset limit (the limit is generally three times the Income Support core benefit amount you would be eligible to receive)
  • be willing to apply for other income programs that you may be eligible to receive (such as Employment Insurance)

Ability to work

Your situation must be one of the following. You:

  • are looking for work
  • are working but not earning enough
  • are unable to work for a short time
  • need help to access training to find a job
  • are unable to work due to chronic health problems or other concerns

Information and planning

You must be willing to:

  • provide personal and financial information for all members of your household
  • develop and follow a plan with your Income Support worker to improve your situation

For more information, see the Income and Employment Supports Policy Manual.


Contact your caseworker for all related Income Support questions.

If you do not know how to reach your caseworker, contact your local Alberta Supports Centre.

Alberta Supports Contact Centre

Connect with the main Alberta Supports Contact Centre:

Hours: 7:30 am to 8 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Toll free: 1-877-644-9992

24-hour Emergency Income Support Contact Centre

Get emergency financial assistance to help with basic needs like shelter, food, clothing and transportation.

Hours: 24/7
Toll free: 1-866-644-5135

You can now apply online to the Income Support Contact Centre to receive emergency food benefits via Interac e-Transfer. Once you have provided the required information, you will be asked to call the Income Support Contact Centre to confirm your eligibility.

Apply at MyAlberta Emergency Benefits to start the online application process.

Report suspected fraud

Report fraudulent behaviour or abuse of funds.

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