The Hospital Privileges Appeal Board (HPAB) is an adjudicative agency that hears appeals from members, or former members, of the medical staff of an approved hospital who consider themselves aggrieved by a decision of the hospital board.
The HPAB is established under section 18 of the Hospitals Act and functions independent of government departments to ensure fairness and impartiality when hearing appeals as set out in the Act.
Search the list of public agencies to find the Board's:
- mandate and roles
- code of conduct
The HPAB consists of up to 7 members appointed by the Minister of Health, each for a term of not more than 3 years:
- 2 physicians
- 1 member of The Law Society of Alberta or of the judiciary
- 1 person who has significant public sector administration experience at a senior level as determined by the Minister
- 1 member of the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta, and
- 2 other persons
HPAB members may be reappointed for up to an additional 3 terms (for a total of 12 years) based on satisfactory performance.
Make an appeal
Any staff member of an approved hospital who feels personally aggrieved by a decision made by the hospital board can appeal to the HPAB. The types of decisions for appeal include:
- not to reappoint the staff member as a member of the medical staff
- to reappoint the staff member with different hospital privileges than those the staff member had immediately prior to the reappointment
- terminate or suspend the staff member’s appointment as a member of the medical staff
- terminate or suspend the staff member’s hospital privileges
- vary the staff member’s hospital privileges
The staff member can appeal the decision by the hospital board by giving written notice of appeal to the HPAB within 90 days after receiving notice of the hospital board’s decision.
HPAB decisions
The HPAB follows the Rules Governing Hearing of Appeals for pre-hearing and hearing procedures of appeals. On hearing an appeal, the HPAB may:
- confirm the decision of the hospital board
- direct that the former staff member be reappointed to the medical staff or that the staff member’s hospital privileges on reappointment be varied
- direct the reinstatement of the former staff member’s appointment as a member of the medical staff or of the staff member’s hospital privileges
- remove or vary a suspension
- direct that the staff member’s hospital privileges be varied
Compensation disclosure
Public sector bodies are required to post online the names and compensation paid to:
- all panel members
- employees who earn over a threshold amount (see Public sector body compensation disclosure)
This is a requirement under the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act. The postings are required by June 30 each year and will be maintained for 5 years.
Compensation disclosure file
Download the compensation disclosure for the Hospital Privileges Appeal Board (disclosures for 2019 to 2023).
Send appeals to the HPAB:
Email: [email protected]
Hospital Privileges Appeal Board
c/o Central Reception
Main Floor, ATB Place North Tower
10025 Jasper Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1S6
Questions about the appeal process can be directed to HPAB’s counsel, Shores Jardine LLP:
Phone: 780-448-9275
Fax: 780-423-0163
Email: [email protected]
Shores Jardine LLP
Suite 2250, Bell Tower
10104 103 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0H8