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Affordable housing and homelessness supports
Find a shelter, emergency financial assistance and other supports.
Public, non-profit, and private-sector housing providers can apply for funding for innovative and sustainable affordable housing projects.
Housing options and financial help for Albertans with low income.
Municipalities are encouraged to complete a standardized needs assessment for affordable housing.
Helping you find and apply for family and social supports.
A summary of actions to address homelessness in Alberta.
Information for housing providers operating government-owned affordable housing units.
Financial assistance for unexpected emergencies is available through the Emergency Needs Allowance.
Individuals and families can access emergency shelters and temporary housing when facing family violence, domestic violence or homelessness.
Helping people experiencing gender-based violence find a safe, stable home while they work to rebuild their lives.
Funding for Indigenous governments and organizations, housing providers, municipalities, and non-profits to build affordable housing.
Consulting and construction vendors on Alberta Social Housing Corporation contracts will be tracked and rated to ensure quality performance.
Tracking the capacity of Alberta’s homeless shelters.
Transforming Alberta’s affordable housing system so it is financially sustainable, accessible and equitable now and into the future.
How to recognize signs of youth homelessness and resources to respond.
Resources and information to support affordable housing providers and developers.