Home education is a parent-directed approach to educating a student in Grades 1 to 12 at home or elsewhere in which they are responsible for making all education decisions.
Parents choose curriculum resources and methodology consistent with their family’s beliefs and consistent with the Home Education Regulation.
A parent or guardian may choose 1 of 2 home education programs:
- Supervised by school authority (funded): a home education program supervised by a willing public, separate or francophone school board or accredited funded private school. Eligible for funding from Alberta Education.
- Not supervised by school authority (notification only, non-funded): a home education program not supervised by a school board or accredited funded private school. Not eligible for funding from Alberta Education.
Parents looking to start or refine a home education program should refer to the Home Education Handbook.
The handbook includes information on:
- planning the child’s education program
- understanding legal rights and responsibilities
- following through with a home education plan
- planning supports and services
- ending a home education program
- planning for transitions
Home education kindergarten pilot
Alberta’s government has extended its home education kindergarten pilot to the end of the 2024-25 school year. Feedback from this pilot will inform potential future legislative changes to support a permanent home education Kindergarten program.
Parents or guardians interested in pursuing home education Kindergarten are encouraged to seek out a supervising school authority and register with them before September 27, 2024 (see above info).
The supervising school authority and legal guardians of the children will each be eligible for $450.50 per child. Most kindergarten programs are provided on a half-day basis, so this rate is half of the full-day rate for home education for other grades.
To be eligible for funding, Kindergarten students must be:
- at least four years and eight months old, and no older than six on September 1 of the year they are to start Kindergarten
- a resident of Alberta
- registered with a supervising school authority before September 27
Connect with Alberta Education's Field Services branches for more information.
Specialized supports and services for home education
Home education students who have an identified need for additional supports for their education program now have access to services from professionals, including speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and behaviour specialists.
Learn more or apply for learner supports.
Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.
- Home Education Notification Form – Supervised by School Authority
- Home Education Notification Form – Not Supervised by School Authority
- Transfer of Parental Portion – Declaration Form 2023-24
- Transfer of Parental Portion – Declaration Form 2024-25
Parents have up to 2 years to access the parental portion of home education funding. When selecting a Transfer of Parental Portion – Declaration Form ensure that the form being used is for the same school year that the funding relates to. A separate form must be signed for each school year that a parent chooses to transfer any portion of their funding to the home education provider.
Connect with Alberta Education's Field Services branches:
Phone: 780-427-6272
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)