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Highway 19 twinning

Highway 19 is being expanded to accommodate traffic growth.

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Highway 19 is a 12-kilometre, 2-lane, high-volume, high load corridor connecting Highway 60 and Highway 2 near Edmonton. It is a critical route that supports continued economic growth in the capital region. About 10,000 vehicles travel on Highway 19 each day.

Twinning of Highway 19, between the QEII and Highway 60, has 3 phases:

  • Phase 1 (East section) – Twinning between the QEII and Range Road 253
    • Completed in September 2019.
  • Phase 2 (West section) – Construction began in spring 2021 and finished in 2023 to twin 3.5 kilometres of Highway 19, from Highway 60 to Range Road 261, grade widen of Highway 60 and complete various intersection improvements and service road construction
    • Completed in October 2023
  • Phase 3 (Middle section) – Twinning between Range Road 261 and Range Road 253
    • Planning for twinning between Range Road 253 and Range Road 261 was completed in March 2018.
    • Detailed design, utility relocation, land acquisition and environmental permitting activities are proceeding.


  • 2019 – East portion completed
  • 2023 – West portion completed


Twinning of this busy stretch of highway increases safety by reducing the chances of head-on collisions, adds safe passing opportunities and improves the movement of heavy industrial goods.

Overall, these improvements will help:

  • improve traffic safety
  • reduce congestion and delay
  • expand the highway’s capacity
  • accommodate current and future growth


Improving Alberta's roads to bolster economic growth (April 14 2023)
Breaking ground on Highway 19 west twinning (March 29, 2021)


For more information on the Highway 19 Project, contact Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-968-4240
Toll free: 310-0000 before the number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]