Government of Alberta annual reports

The government and its ministries provide overall budget accounting and report on performance and financial results for each fiscal year.


Government of Alberta annual report

The government's annual report is a permanent public record of the dollars spent and the results achieved for the fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). The report includes an Executive Summary with key fiscal information, Consolidated Financial Statements and Performance Results.

Ministry annual reports

Ministry annual reports provide additional detailed information on performance and financial results for the fiscal year. The ministry annual reports reflect the structure of government as of March 31 each year.

The documents below contain information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Alberta.

2023-24 Annual Reports

The following documents provide a report to Albertans on Budget 2023.

2022-23 Annual Reports

The following documents provide a report to Albertans on Budget 2022. Due to the reorganization announced on June 9, 2023, former ministries are listed under current ministries.

2021-22 Annual Reports

The following documents provide a report to Albertans on Budget 2021:

Previous annual reports