If you are in immediate danger, call 911
For protection
If you have been assaulted or you are in a family violence situation, contact your local police or RCMP detachment.
An Emergency Protection Order (EPO) is granted when:
- violent or threatening behaviour occurs between family members
- there is evidence that immediate protection is necessary
- family violence will resume or continue
The police can apply for an Emergency Protection Order to provide you with immediate protection.
An Emergency Protection Order:
- is granted by the court and enforced by the police
- can prevent a family member from contacting you and other family members
- can stop a family member from coming to your home, school, work or other places
- is only granted in situations of family violence; all other situations require a restraining order
You should have no contact with that family member while the protection order is in place.
How to apply
Contact one of these places to apply for an Emergency Protection Order.
Police or RCMP
Call your local police service or RCMP detachment:
- tell them you need an Emergency Protection Order
Regular business hours
- Legal Aid Alberta if you live in the
- Edmonton area: 1-780-422-9222
- Calgary area: 1-403-297-5260
- Lethbridge area: 1-403-388-3162
- in person at the nearest Court of Justice
After hours, weekends and statutory holidays
Before 11 pm:
- contact the Hearing Office for your part of the province
- North of Wetaskiwin – Edmonton Hearing Office
- Wetaskiwin and south – Calgary Hearing Office
After 11 pm:
- only contact the Calgary Hearing Office
Email these things to the Hearing Office you contact:
- a filled out Claimant Screening Form to Apply for an EPO by Telephone
- a copy of the front of your government-issued identification (like your driver's licence)
- a copy of the back of your government-issued identification (like your driver's licence)
North of Wetaskiwin – Edmonton Hearing Office
After hours – weekdays: 4 pm to 11 pm
Weekends and statutory holidays: 8 am to 11 pm
Phone: 1-780-422-3699
Email: hearingoffice.edmonton@gov.ab.ca
Wetaskiwin and south – Calgary Hearing Office
After hours – weekdays: 4 pm to 7 am
Weekends and statutory holidays: 24 hours a day
Phone: 1-403-297-4444
Email: hearingoffice.calgary@gov.ab.ca