Equivalency diploma options

You can achieve a High School Equivalency Diploma through the Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) or other options.


There are 2 ways to achieve a High School Equivalency Diploma in Alberta:

  • apply to the principal of a high school
  • get your Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC)

Apply to the principal 

To apply to the principal of a high school, you must:

  • be 18 years or older as of September 1 of the current school year
  • have been out of school for at least 10 consecutive months
  • be deficit in the credits needed for an Alberta High School Diploma

To learn more about this option, see the Guide to Education.

Canadian Adult Education Credential

The CAEC is the new adult education credential that replaced the GED®, which is no longer available in Canada. In Alberta, the CAEC replaced the GED® since May 2024.

Alberta is a trusted leader in education excellence, with expertise in developing and administering provincial assessments. Together with national partners, Alberta Education developed and will lead the administration of the CAEC.

  • Visit the CAEC page for more information about the CAEC, including test structure and material, study resources and how to register.


To obtain your High School Equivalency Diploma through the CAEC, you must:

  • be 18 years of age or older
  • have been out of school for at least 10 consecutive months
  • pass all 5 CAEC tests (available in English or French):
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Science
    • Social Studies
    • Mathematics (Part I and Part II)
  • have an Alberta Student Number

Write the CAEC tests

To write a CAEC test, you will need to create a profile within the new CAEC digital platform. On this platform, you can schedule a test at a testing centre of your choice and pay fees.

Testing centres can provide more information about registration deadlines, fees and test dates. Some testing centres also offer CAEC preparation classes.

CAEC testing centres

For more information, contact the testing centre of your choice.

Table 1. Community and testing centres

Testing accommodations

The CAEC is designed to be supportive of candidates who benefit from accommodations and supports.

Special arrangements are environmental conditions that make a candidate feel more comfortable when writing a test without impacting the legitimacy of the administration. Complete the CAEC Special Arrangement Request Form and submit it to the testing centre where you plan to take the CAEC test.

Accommodations are targeted supports for candidates that are related to a medically-diagnosed condition or extenuating circumstances. Complete the CAEC Accommodations Request Form and submit it to the Alberta CAEC Administrator at edc.caec@gov.ab.ca.

Recognizing previous GED tests

If you passed any 2002 Canadian Test Series GED® tests before the GED® transitioned to the CAEC, you can apply to have the results count towards CAEC tests in the same subjects for up to 3 years, until May 2027.

Complete the Request for Prior Learning Assessment Recognition Form and submit it to the Alberta CAEC Administrator at edc.caec@gov.ab.ca for approval.

Note: There is no effect on the validity of GED® credentials that have been completed. The value of your completed GED® will not change.

View or request your CAEC marks

You can view your CAEC marks through your profile on the CAEC digital platform.

You can also view and request your marks through Alberta’s myPass, a secure self-service website for students to access their education information.

After passing the CAEC tests

If you pass all 5 CAEC tests, Alberta Education will mail you a High School Equivalency Diploma.

You will receive it within about 4 to 6 weeks of writing your final passing test.


Connect with the CAEC Testing Service:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Email: General inquiries
Email: Technical support