Important changes
Updates to the child care subsidy program
Effective February 1, 2025, subsidy applications will no longer be accepted for:
- Children up to kindergarten age who are attending child care during regular school hours; and
- Children enrolled in a licensed preschool program.
All existing subsidies, including extended hours subsidy, will end for the above groups on March 31, 2025. Families currently receiving these subsidies can continue to send applications for renewal until March 31, 2025.
Starting April 1, 2025:
- Children up to kindergarten age attending licensed daycare and family day home programs during regular school hours will transition to a universal monthly fee structure. Monthly parent fees will be $326.25 per month, equivalent to $15 per day, for full-time care and $230.00 per month for part-time care.
- Subsidy will no longer be available for children enrolled in a licensed preschool program. Children in preschools will have a reduction of up to $100 off their preschool program’s stated monthly child care fees.
Subsidy for children in full-time kindergarten through Grade 6 who are enrolled in a licensed program outside of regular school hours (out-of-school care), including extended hours, will remain unchanged. Applications for this group will continue to be accepted as usual.
Affordability supports
Licensed child care providers providing care to children up to kindergarten age will continue to receive the Affordability Grant. For more information, please visit the Affordability Grants website.
Families with existing child care subsidies can renew their applications until March 31, 2025. Starting April 1, 2025, only subsidy applications for children in full-time kindergarten through Grade 6 enrolled in licensed programs outside regular school hours will be accepted.
Eligible families with existing subsidies can submit a renewal application for children age 0 to Grade 6 enrolled in a:
- licensed facility-based program (daycare, out-of-school care and preschool)
- family day home program overseen by a licensed family day home agency
- group family child care centre
Subsidy rates, effective until March 31, 2025, vary based on the child’s age, family income, the child care program and the number of hours a child attends each month. Types of subsidies include:
- subsidy for children up to kindergarten age (in kindergarten and also attending child care during regular school hours)
- subsidy for children in kindergarten to grade 6 enrolled in a licensed program outside of regular school hours
- preschool subsidy for children enrolled in a licensed preschool program
- extended hours subsidy for children who require care outside regular hours
Subsidy types and rates
A child's subsidy rate is determined by total family income, the child’s age, the type of child care program, and the number of hours the child attends in a month. Use Line 15000 from the most recent CRA Notice of Assessment to determine gross household income.
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How to apply
Review your eligibility and apply online for the fastest processing times using a computer, tablet or mobile phone through the Child Care Subsidy Application.
As part of your application, you will need to submit the Declaration and Canada Revenue Agency Consent form. If you have completed this form in the past, it is not necessary to fill it out again.
Each subsidy starts at the beginning of the month your completed application is received. You can apply as early as the month before your child is starting child care. For example, if your child's start date is September 1, you can apply as early as August 1.
Effective February 1, 2025, subsidy applications will no longer be accepted for:
- Children up to kindergarten age who are attending child care during regular school hours; and
- Children enrolled in a licensed preschool program.
All existing subsidies for the above groups will end on March 31, 2025.
After you apply
After meeting the initial requirements and submitting an online application, you will receive an estimated Child Care Subsidy amount. This estimate, based on the details you provided in your application, is preliminary and may be adjusted after a comprehensive review.
Subsidy approvals are only issued following a thorough assessment of your application. In certain situations, additional documentation may be necessary to finalize your approval. If this is the case, you will receive a conditional approval letter specifying the additional documents or actions needed to complete the process.
Estimate your subsidy
Use the online subsidy estimator to calculate an approximate amount of subsidy your family could receive.
The estimator calculates potential subsidy for families who require full-time child care (100+ hours per month for 0 to Kindergarten-age and 50+ hours for school age). Preschool subsidy is a flat rate not based on 100 hours.
Note: the information you provide in the estimator is not shared or saved.
Find child care
Learn what to look for when finding and choosing child care.
Use the Child Care Lookup tool to find a licensed child care program.
Connect with the Alberta Supports Contact Centre for general inquiries about child care subsidies:
Hours: 7:30 am to 8:00 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-9992 (in Edmonton)
Toll free: 1-877-644-9992
Send your completed forms, supporting documents and any inquiries to the provincial subsidy office:
Fax: 780-422-5692
Child Care Subsidy
PO Box 1641, Station M
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2N9
If you have questions about finding or choosing child care and other options, call Child Care Connect toll free at 1-844-644-5165.
This service is available in more than 100 languages.