First Nations Development Fund Grant Program

Provincial lottery grant program designed specifically for First Nations in Alberta to fund economic, social and community projects.

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Important dates

Application packages must be received and approved by the FNDF office prior to March 31, 2025.


The FNDF Grant Program was developed by First Nations and the Government of Alberta as part of the First Nations Gaming Policy. It is supported by a percentage of revenues from government-owned slot machines operating in First Nations casinos in Alberta.

Only recognized First Nations with Reserve land located within the province of Alberta that have signed an FNDF Grant Agreement are eligible to apply to the FNDF Grant Program. There are currently 47 Alberta First Nations participating in the FNDF Grant Program

Funding allocations

In April of each year, the participating 47 First Nations are provided with a projected allocation of their FNDF grant funds for that fiscal year:

  • this is an estimate based on past trends and should only be used for planning purposes
  • annual allocations are confirmed at the end of the fiscal year when final slot machine revenue totals become available

FNDF Funding Model

Community benefits

Projects that receive FNDF grants are determined by community priorities set by each First Nation’s Chief and Council.

Since 2006, when the program began, the FNDF has provided more than $1.7 billion to First Nations in support of over 5,000 economic, social and community development projects including:

  • housing projects
  • children, youth and Elders' programs
  • cultural programs
  • business start-up and expansion
  • employment and training programs

FNDF reports provide the history of the FNDF program.

How to apply

Step 1. Read the program guidelines

First Nations Development Fund Grant Program Guide

Program liaison officers can provide information, support and planning assistance to First Nations on how to use FNDF grant funding to meet their communities’ needs while working within the terms of the grant agreement.

Step 2. Complete the application package

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First Nations Development Fund Grant application package

The following documents must be included in your submission:

  • signed / completed application
  • detailed project description
  • detailed project funding / budget information
  • Band Council Resolution (BCR)

Step 3. Submit the application package

Completed application packages can be e-mailed to your liaison officer or mailed to:

First Nations Development Fund
9th Floor, Forestry Building
9920 108 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 2M4

After you apply

Once an internal review is completed, a liaison officer will make a recommendation for approval. Once the project has been approved, an approval letter will be emailed to the First Nation’s Chief and the designated First Nation contact.

​The review and approval process may take up to 8 weeks.


The FNDF Grant Program requires confirmation of the expenditures for the grant amount received. Reports are due by July 31 each year for all approved FNDF projects that received grant funds by a monthly payment, transfer of paid funds, or that have deferred funds from the previous fiscal year.

There are 2 types of reports, depending on the dollar amount of the FNDF grant:

  • projects under $100K – Grant Reporting Template
  • projects over $100K require a financial report signed by a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA)

All FNDF grants are subject to a compliance audit by the Province of Alberta. Complete records must be maintained, including all receipts, for 5 years after the end of the project.

First Nations that do not meet reporting requirements will have future payments withheld.


Connect with the First Nations Development Fund:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-422-1057
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

First Nations Development Fund
9th Floor, Forestry Building
9920 108 Street NW
Edmonton Alberta  T5K 2M4