Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office supports a wide range of firearms services, including:
- licences for individuals
- licences for businesses, museums and other organizations
- firearms registration
- shooting range approvals
- overseeing firearms safety courses
Licences and safety

Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office
Alberta administers the federal Canadian Firearms Program to:
- oversee firearms licences and registration
- maintain provincial firearms safety training standards
- assist and collaborate with law enforcement agencies to help enhance public safety
- inform Albertans about firearms safety
- advocate for law-abiding firearms owners
Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office collaborates with partners to:
- reduce smuggling and straw purchasing
- crack down on firearms theft
- protect Albertans’ property rights
Learn more about Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office
Alberta Chief Firearms Office Contact Centre will:
- answer questions about firearms licenses and the application process
- update your personal information attached to your license
- provide support regarding firearms forms and reports
- provide information on completing required firearms safety courses and designate firearms instructors
- receive and process information related to public safety concerns
Learn more about Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office
For requests related to transfers, authorizations to transport or carry, and license verifications, please contact the Canadian Firearms Program at 1-800-731-4000.
To reduce delays, ensure you include your PAL number or application number, full name and date of birth when you contact us.
Connect with Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office:
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-401-4140
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Alberta Chief Firearms Office
PO Box 458, Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2K1