Firearm owners can transfer their firearms to another owner (for example, through a sale or as a gift). The process depends on whether the firearm is a non-restricted or restricted firearm.
The person transferring the firearm is known as the transferor or seller. The person receiving the firearm is known as the transferee or buyer.
A firearm can only be transferred to
- an adult (18 or older) with a Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) that is valid for that class of firearm
- a business, museum, or other organization with a firearms business licence
- a public service agency
Businesses need to have a valid business firearms licence for all types of firearms they sell.
Non-restricted firearms
You do not need to register non-restricted firearms to transfer them. However, the transferor (seller) must confirm that the transferee's (buyer's) firearms licence is valid prior to the transfer of a non-restricted firearm.
The transfer of a non-restricted firearm may take place only after a reference number has been issued. The reference number is valid for:
- 90 days, or
- the remaining period of validity of the transferee's (buyer's) licence
If a reference number expires before the physical transfer of the firearm, a new reference number must be requested.
The transferor (seller) can start the licence verification process:
- online through Individual Web Services or Business Web Services portals
- by contacting the Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) at 1-800-731-4000
Logging into Individual Web Services
Ensure your email, mailing and residential address are up to date on Individual Web Services to eliminate any issues with transfers. If your place of birth is incorrect on your licence you must contact 1-800-731-4000 to have it corrected.
- Go to Individual Web Services
- Choose a sign secure sign-in method by using your bank information or using GCKey.
- The following information is required from the seller:
- licence number
- last name
- date of birth
- place of birth (city)
- The following information is required from the buyer:
- licence number
- date of birth
- email address
The buyer's email address must be the one CFP has on file in CFIS.
Restricted and prohibited firearms
To transfer a restricted or prohibited firearms, both the transferor (seller) and transferee (buyer) must either:
- contact the CFP at 1-800-731-4000, ext. 4 or 5 (both parties do not need to be available at the same time), or
- read the information sheet and fill out the form at the end of the Information Sheet: Application to Register Restricted and Prohibited Firearms Acquired by Transfer - Transfer Information Sheet
For more details visit CFP - Buying and selling (transferring) firearms.
For requests related to transfers, authorizations to transport or carry, and license verifications, please contact the Canadian Firearms Program at 1-800-731-4000.
To reduce delays, ensure you include your PAL number or application number, full name and date of birth when you contact us.
Connect with Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office:
Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-401-4140
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: albertacfo@gov.ab.ca
Alberta Chief Firearms Office
PO Box 458, Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2K1