Family violence prevention – Actions we can take

Individuals and organizations play a role in supporting healthy relationships and preventing family violence and domestic violence.

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What you can do

  • Help family, friends, neighbours and coworkers by learning how to recognize the signs of family violence and domestic violence, assisting with how to stay safe and referring to services and supports.
  • Offer to help at your local women’s shelter as a volunteer, board member or fundraiser.
  • Share resources on prevention of family violence and domestic violence through social media and in your community.
  • Organize or participate in a Family Violence Prevention Month activity in your area.
  • Encourage your local public library to carry magazines and books about family violence prevention.
  • Collect toys, books and toiletry items from your neighbours to donate to your local youth or women's shelter.

What professionals can do

  • Submit an article about family violence or domestic violence to your local newspaper, offer to speak on a radio station or write a blog post.
  • Share resources on prevention of family violence and domestic violence through social media.
  • Display articles, artwork and resources about family violence and domestic violence in your office.
  • Ask the local health clinics to provide family violence and domestic violence resources in waiting and examining rooms.
  • Ask local businesses to display family violence and domestic violence posters and resources.
  • Work with local churches and faith communities to provide resources.

What men and boys can do

  • Learn to recognize family violence and know how to help.
  • Show leadership by discussing what it means to be male today with family, friends, neighbours and co-workers and teaching them about healthy relationships.
  • Integrate family violence and domestic violence awareness in sports coaching and youth mentoring activities.
  • Speak out against family violence and domestic violence at public events.
  • Volunteer and fundraise for women’s emergency shelters and other agencies.
  • Participate in community-based awareness activities and initiatives.
  • Join groups that address family violence and domestic violence while promoting gender equity.

What schools can do

  • Help children learn non-violent ways of dealing with conflict.
  • Educate young people about dating violence and all other forms of abuse.
  • Place dating violence posters in the school and provide prevention of domestic violence information sheets for students.
  • Give copies of a dating safely checklist to all students on registration day.
  • Include information about dating violence in the school newsletter.
  • Develop a student led bullying prevention and healthy relationships campaign.
  • Honour students who work to reduce violence and bullying.
  • Organize an event to collect teddy bears, quilts and other items to donate to a shelter for comforting children and youth.

What employers can do

  • Employers are required to help prevent workplace harassment and violence and address incidents when they do occur.
  • Establish policies that help all staff understand more about family violence and domestic violence, and the resources and assistance that are available.
  •  Learn about employer’s responsibility to provide domestic violence leave.
  •  Support employees who may be dealing with family violence and domestic violence issues.
  •  Display prevention and support information in areas where your customers or clients can see it or take it with them.
  •  Work with community organizations to provide funding for programs and services to help survivors of family violence and domestic violence.
  • Sponsor an event to raise awareness during Family Violence Prevention Month.

What community organizations can do

  • Create or join an interagency working group to formalize a commitment to end family violence in your community.
  • Develop a listing of services available in your community to help those impacted by family violence and domestic violence.
  • Identify and address family violence and domestic violence service gaps in your community.
  • Start a support group for survivors of family violence and domestic violence.
  • Plan a public forum on family violence and domestic violence.
  • Distribute family violence and domestic violence awareness resources to businesses, employers, medical professionals and faith organizations.
  • Proclaim Family Violence Prevention Month each November, coordinate a campaign and encourage individuals and community groups to participate in awareness activities.


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