Do you qualify
Parents, grandparents, guardians or others who have a significant role in a child’s life and are in dispute can register for this program.
This program is free. It is available if all these things apply:
- You have disagreements and you are going through:
- separation or
- divorce
- One parent has a gross income of $60,000 or less per year.
- There is agreement to participate in mediation.
- There is at least one dependent child who is either:
- under 18
- 18 or older and eligible for continued child support
Work together for your children
Mediation can help you resolve disagreements about issues like:
- communication
- parenting plans
- guardianship
- child support
- spousal support
- some property matters
Any agreements you make:
- focus on the best interests of your child or children
- help you avoid going to court
Before mediation
Prepare for mediation
Take the online Parenting After Separation course. It is a starting place for making a parenting plan.
Use online information and courses to understand your responsibilities and obligations during separation or divorce:
- Read the section about 'Family & Relationships' at the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta website.
- Read the Government of Canada's Family Law website.
You may need to talk to a lawyer if you need legal advice.
Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer requirements
If you plan to make an application about a Family Law dispute in Calgary, Edmonton or Red Deer:
Financial disclosure
If you want to discuss any financial matters at mediation, including child support, you must exchange financial information with the other parent:
- Download and fill out the Financial Disclosure Statement to give the other parent.
Mediator contacts you
The mediator talks to each person one-on-one to:
- hear more about what you want to resolve
- make sure you have all the information you need
- identify any safety concerns
The mediator will help decide if mediation is right for your situation.
The mediator must report any perceived threat to the safety of any person to the appropriate authorities.
What happens in mediation
The mediator does not:
- make decisions for you
- give legal advice
A mediation session is:
- informal
- confidential – the mediator does not share what was talked about
- 2 or 3 hours long:
- most people need 1 or 2 sessions
Usually, only the 2 people trying to reach an agreement go to the mediation. Other people can attend if:
- both parents agree
- the person’s role is made clear ahead of time – like:
- a support person
- an interpreter
- a lawyer
After mediation
The mediator writes down what you agree on and sends you both a copy:
- this mediation summary is not legally binding
- it is up to both parents to follow through on their decisions
Ask the mediator about what to do if you want to make the agreement legally binding.
Before you register
Both parents
- have to agree to take part in mediation
- need to be in contact to share information about mediation
Children’s Services
Does your family currently have a Children’s Services case worker? You may be referred to the Children's Services Mediation Program instead.
Court order preventing contact
Is there a court order to prevent contact between you and the other parent?
If yes:
- check if the court order allows you to meet in mediation or
- you may need to have the court order changed to allow this
We will need a copy of the court order before scheduling an appointment.
Register for family mediation
Each parent must fill out and submit the form below.
Lawyers should not fill out this registration form. There is more information at Family mediation program: Guidelines for lawyers.
Both parents need to register within 2 weeks of each other. The mediator will be in contact with each parent after both parents have registered.
It may take 2 to 3 weeks after registration for you to be contacted.
Family Mediation Program registration
Parents should register directly for this program using this online registration form. Lawyers are not able to register on your behalf.
Other options
There are other options if:
- you do not qualify for our program
- the other person does not want to attend mediation
- you do not resolve all of the issues in mediation
You may need to talk to a lawyer if you need legal advice.
Hire a mediator
You can hire a family mediator who works in private practice.
Family resolution hub
Use the Family Resolution Hub to understand your options, including how to get a divorce, and get a summary of the steps you can take.
If you do not have a lawyer, contact Information Services to start a court process or get information about divorce.
Suite 706-S, Calgary Courts Centre
601 5 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 5P7
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 4 pm
Phone: 403-297-6981
Open in Google Maps for directions
Suite 8077, John E. Brownlee Building
10365 97 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3W7
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 4 pm
Phone: 780-427-8329
Open in Google Maps for directions
Elsewhere in Alberta
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 4 pm
Phone: 403-355-2414