About mediation
This mediation program is:
- for families who are already involved with Children’s Services
- focused on the best interests of the child or youth
- private – what is said in mediation meetings will not be used outside of the meeting unless both parties agree
- free
- a partnership between Court and Justice Services and Children's Services
You can consult a lawyer at any time during the mediation process.
You will get a written copy of any agreements you make in mediation.
What is a mediator
A mediator is a person who:
- helps people work together to make decisions
- is not picked by either side
- is neutral – they do not take anyone’s side
What is talked about
A mediation discussion might include:
- safety concerns
- long-term plans for a child or youth
- visitation schedule
- permanency options
- expectations and timelines
- improving communication
- family disputes affecting a child’s safety
- identifying resources
- parent and teen conflict
Who can be at the mediation
The mediation might include:
- parents
- guardians
- foster or kinship or adoptive parents
- a caseworker
- a casework supervisor
- community support workers or translators
- child’s advocate or lawyer
- Band representative
- other people like children and youth
Before the mediation
The mediator will have a private meeting with the parties before everyone meets for mediation.
If you want mediation
Call your caseworker or contact us. You will be asked some questions to see if mediation is right for your family.
Connect with your caseworker or the Court and Justice Services Mediation program:
Hours: 8:15 am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday closed statutory holidays)
Email: dispute.resolution@gov.ab.ca
Calgary and area
Phone: 403-297-6981
Edmonton and area
Phone: 780-427-8442
Other areas in Alberta
Phone: 780-427-8350