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Part of Employment

Employment standards

Rules, regulations and compliance measures for employers and employees in Alberta workplaces.


Employment standards set out the rights and obligations of employers and employees in Alberta. This includes the minimum standards that employers must provide to employees. You will find Alberta’s basic employment standards, what to do if you think they are not being followed, and educational materials to help you better understand them. Permits and variances are available to employers if you need an exception to a standard.

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Back of a person in a blue shirt with hands behind their head sitting in a white chair at a desk with a laptop staring out the window of a highrise

Laws for minimum wage, overtime, holidays, job-protected leaves, vacations, hours of work, earnings, youth workers and termination.

Row of brown file folders with subject tab with white label: Complaints

File a complaint or make an anonymous tip if your employer doesn’t meet the minimum employment standards.

Brown and gold judge's gavel with gold justice scales and a person in a black suit in the background

Alberta’s employment standards laws are enforced through audits, inspections, penalties, prosecutions and judgment collection.

Person's and holding a fountain pen signing a document signature line with the stamp in red text 'Approved'

Apply for variances to basic employment standards rules, or for a permit to employ a person under 18 for certain types of work.

Flat lay view of people at a desk covered in various documents, sticky notes, laptops, phones, water glasses and the word 'Resources' in white text and black background imposed over image

Easy check, instructional videos, publications and other resources.