Employment Agency Business means the business of securing persons for employment, securing employment for persons or evaluating or testing persons for employers who are seeking employees.
Read the Employment Agency Business Licensing Regulation questions and answers.
If your business does not require this licence, you do not need to proceed further.
How to apply
You will need to provide:
- information on your business
- a criminal record check or police information check
- a security
- copies of 2 standard agreements
- payment of a licensing fee
To get started, follow the instructions below to save and open the application form.
Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. For help opening the forms, contact PDF form technical support.
Application form
Application for an Employment Agency Business Licence
Your responsibilities
Licence holders must notify Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction in writing within 15 days of a change in:
- business address
- partners of the business if the licence is issued to a partnership
- officers or directors of the corporation if the licence is issued to a corporation
Licence holders must notify Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction in writing within 15 days of ceasing to carry on the activities for which the licence was issued.
It is your responsibility to ensure your licence is in force as long as you continue to do business. Once your licence is issued, note the expiry date and ensure your licence is renewed prior to this date.
Licensees must be able to provide confirmation of licensing on request. This can be done by providing a copy of the licence or by providing other confirmation that the business is properly licensed. This can include providing a link to the Find a Licensed Business search tool.
Find out more about the National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes.
Note: applicant, directors, officers and partners are required to read the Consumer Protection Act and its regulations associated with this licence and understand that certain sections are of significance, including but not limited to the specific sections noted below.
Designation of Trades and Businesses Regulation
Employment Agency Business Licensing Regulation
- Section 10 relating to requirements employment agency agreements must conform to
- Section 12 relating to fee prohibitions
- Section 13 relating to what services an employment agency can charge to individuals seeking employment
- Section 15 relating to rules about sending employees or potential employees to businesses affected by strike or lockout
General Licensing and Security Regulation
Employment Agency Agreement Requirements
Employment Agency Compliance Standards
Copies of legislation can be obtained from the Alberta King’s Printer.
IRIS Philippines to Canada
The International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS) pilot project between the Philippines and Canada (Alberta and Saskatchewan) brings together the 3 jurisdictions to create a framework to promote ethical recruitment in the corridor between the Philippines and the 2 Canadian provinces.
Learn about the IRIS Philippines to Canada Pilot Project.
Connect with the Consumer Contact Centre:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-4088
Toll free: 1-877-427-4088 (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]