Economic Review and Indicators

Economic analysis and key indicators related to Alberta’s economy, labour market and various sectors within the province.


All resources are updated weekly on Friday afternoon.

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Economic Review

The weekly edition contains economic commentary, analysis and statistics regarding Alberta’s economy, labour market, price indices, household sector and business sector.

Current year: Economic Review

Economic Indicators at a Glance

The weekly edition provides a reference guide to the most important economic indicators. It features several charts comparing related indicators and cross-provincial comparisons. On the last page there is a comprehensive data table of economic and demographic indicators.

Current year: Economic Indicators at a Glance

Data tables

Data tables from the economic publications


Robert Van Blyderveen, Manager, Macroeconomic Forecasting
Alberta Treasury Board and Finance
Phone: 780-638-5628
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]
