CWD Herd Certification Program

How to apply for this national program, and a list of participating Alberta domestic cervid producers.

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The Canadian Food Inspection Agency, with input from stakeholders, sets the National Standards for the Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Program.

Based on these standards, administrators developed a Standard Operating Procedures Manual (see below) to implement the Herd Certification Program within their jurisdiction.

The Alberta government administers the program for Alberta cervid producers.

The established anniversary dates for the program are:

  • December 31: Elk-only herds
  • December 31: Combined elk and deer herds
  • March 31: Deer only herds


The following documents are available for Alberta cervid producers who wish to enrol in the program.


We are revising the manual and will send it to enrolled producers and add it to this web page when it is complete. Contact us if you have any questions about the manual.

National Standards for the Chronic Wasting Disease Herd Certification Program (CFIA) The roles and responsibilities of each participant in the CWD Herd Certification Program are detailed in the national standards.


We are revising forms for this program and will send them to enrolled producers and add them to this web page when they are complete. Contact us if you have any questions about forms.

Alberta participants

Canadian CWD Herd Certification Program Update March 26, 2025
Producers NameFarm #SpeciesStatus Level
Angele, Leander and Heather789DeerCertified
Aubin, Henri761ElkCertified
Balderson, Wayne and Josie775ElkCertified
Boos, Robert30ElkCertified
Braun, Dale33ElkCertified
Bugg, Howard and Judith500ElkCertified
Bulten, Herman and Alice523Elk/ReindeerA
Bykowski, Mike35ElkCertified
Cameron, John37ElkCertified
Cameron, John781ElkCertified
Chernuka, Barry805ElkCertified
Chernuka, Barry811ElkCertified
Chernuka, Barry and Dungey, Bruce824ElkCertified
Dolen, Peter, Marilyn and Logan581ElkCertified
Dungey, Bruce367ElkCertified
Fantazir, William58Elk/DeerCertified
Friedel, Bruce241ElkCertified
Gill, Marvin728Elk/DeerCertified
Greidanus, Lois and Henry812ElkA
Harrison, Barry and Christine505ElkCertified
Hickie, Raymond576ElkCertified
Hoffman, Chuck and Dianne175ElkCertified
Jeannotte, Wade and Karen280ElkCertified
Krahn, Herman and Liz821ElkCertified
Lloyd, Justin and Erinn809DeerCertified
Lumir, Jana494ElkCertified
Makofka, Charles657ElkCertified
Miedema, Lykele247ElkCertified
Miedema, Lykele769ElkCertified
Narkaus, Sam807ElkCertified
Neufeld, Corny701ElkCertified
Niebler, Win206ElkCertified
Owen, Kim491ElkCertified
Plumb, Gordon and Carol337ElkCertified
Ray, Dennis398ElkCertified
Richard, Gerry488ElkCertified
Slipp, Andrew747ElkCertified
Stelter, Rick694ElkCertified
Szigli, Ken429ElkCertified
Veldhouse, Todd and Jackie288ElkCertified
Veldhouse, Todd and Jackie826ElkCertified
Visscher, Bill176ElkCertified
Wilson, Devin825ElkCertified
Zahara, Jim, Julie and Jace549ElkCertified
Zahara, Jace803ElkCertified
Zahara, Jace820ElkCertified
Zahara, Jace75ElkLevel D

The information on this page is believed to be accurate. However, we are unable to guarantee its complete accuracy. If you have any questions or concerns as to the accuracy of the information, contact this program.


Connect with the Animal Health and Assurance Branch:

Phone: 780-835-2238
Fax: 780-835-3600