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Cultural Industry Support Organizations Operating Grant

Certain organizations can apply for funding to support the production of books, magazines, sound recordings or film production in Alberta.

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The Cultural Industry Support Organization Operating Grant provides funding to help cover operating expenses for organizations associated with the production of books, magazines, sound recordings or film production.

This grant, under the Alberta Media Fund, promotes the growth and sustainability of our province’s cultural industry by supporting the development of talented professionals, intellectual property and quality products.

We designate eligibility to apply for this grant to the following organizations:

  • Alberta Magazine Publishers Association
  • Alberta Music Industry Association
  • Book Publishers Association of Alberta
  • Alberta Media Production Industries Association


Grant calculations consist of 2 components:

  • a base amount of $50,000 for operating expenses
  • up to 50% of eligible expenses, over and above the base amount

Funding is determined for a 3 year cycle.

Eligible organizations

In addition to being a designated support organization, eligible applicants must also:

  • be in good standing with the Alberta Corporate Registry
  • be based in Alberta
  • support organizations that produce books, magazines, sound recordings or film production

Eligible expenses

Operating expenses eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • administration
  • programming
  • pay for permanent employees, artists and contractors
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • rent

How to apply

Step 1: Review the guidelines

Review the Support Organizations Grant Stream Guidelines to ensure you understand the requirements.

Step 2: Complete the application

Login to the Online Grant Application System to begin your application.

Step 3: Submit your application

Submit your application and all supporting documents through the Online Grant Application System by June 1, 2021 at 11:59 pm

Faxed, emailed, late or incomplete applications are not accepted.

After you apply

We use the Support Organizations Operating Grant Assessment form to assess and score your application.

Applicants will be notified in writing of the result of their application and/or funding status after all recommendations have been approved.


Recipients are required to submit reporting materials by June 1 of each year during their three-year application cycle. Reporting requirements are listed in the guidelines.

Any unused portions of the grant must be returned to the Government of Alberta.

Credit and promotion logos

To download government logos, see Visual Identity.


Connect with us if you have questions about the Cultural Industry Grants:

Phone: 780-422-8584
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)