Creative Partnerships

Bringing government, non-profits, businesses and Albertans together for an adaptable and resilient non-profit sector.


Creative Partnerships Alberta introduces donation and investment opportunities as well as capacity building programs to create a climate of social entrepreneurism for Alberta’s non-profits. This will enable the development of new sources of funding, access to business mentorship and assistance.

Donation and investment opportunities to support Alberta non-profit organizations.

The Crowdfunding Alberta platform connects Alberta’s non-profit organizations with supporters and donors for fundraising campaigns.

Partners, programs and resources to build organizational abilities and resiliency in Alberta’s non-profit sector.

Alberta’s non-profits

Alberta’s non-profit sector plays important roles in multiple industries across the province.  The sector employs about 300,000 Albertans, and accounts for $5.5 billion in gross domestic product annually through its paid workforce and community programming.

Beyond revenue, Alberta’s non-profit sectors provide many essential services that Albertans rely on for their health, well-being and valued quality of life. About 95% of Albertans believe recreation facilities, services and programming are important to quality of life, and about 80% of Albertans believe organized sport activities are important to quality of life.

Next steps

Over the next 4 years, we will work with and across sectors to understand business and investment needs, support and scale existing capacity building programs and services, and fill gaps with creative and collaborative solutions.

Regular evaluation and adaption of the program will help achieve its outcomes:

  • stronger shared understanding of Alberta’s social impact ecosystem
  • enhanced collaboration in supporting the growth of social impact initiatives
  • increased interest, knowledge, skill and success in social impact initiatives
  • increased private investment to the non-profit sector

It will take a collective effort across all sectors to create lasting change that amplifies Albertan’s quality of life. Explore Creative Partnerships Alberta and join us in our journey toward a stronger, healthier, and more resilient province.