Commodity life cycle assessment and sustainability reporting

The agriculture industry uses life cycle assessment to measure and report its environmental footprint.

Environmental footprint: Alberta egg

Egg Farmers of Alberta along with the Alberta government completed an egg footprint to better understand and quantify the environmental impact of egg production in Alberta, using a life cycle assessment (LCA) method. LCA has become a mainstream method for environmental sustainability assessment being used by many agriculture commodities to measure and communicate their environmental footprint. The Environmental Footprint of Egg study included on-farm data collection from farmgate to grader, covering all lifecycle stages of production.

Building on this LCA work, Egg Farmers of Alberta are taking new approaches to sustainability. For Alberta egg farmers, sustainable production is socially responsible, environmentally sound and economically viable. From stakeholder engagement to continuous improvement in adopting beneficial management practices, Egg Farmers of Alberta are committed to environmental protection and sustainable development.

See the following resources for more details:

Environmental footprint: Alberta pea

To gain a better understanding of sustainability performance, the Alberta Pulse Growers collaborated with the Alberta government on measuring the environmental footprint of Alberta field peas using the LCA method. Together they produced:

  • Measuring the Environmental Footprint of Alberta Peas
    Using the results of the Alberta Field Pea LCA, the combined health and environmental benefits of pulses were explored, demonstrating the high nutritional value of peas as a high protein rich food with a low environmental impact.
  • Alberta Peas A Win-Win Crop: High Nutritional Value, Low Environmental Impact
    Alberta Field Pea is the first agri-food commodity to be certified with a globally-recognized Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in North America. Alberta Pulse Growers worked collaboratively with the Alberta government through the process of applying and receiving an EPD certification. This EPD is based on the 2016 LCA that was completed using Alberta pulse producers’ on-farm information. See the Alberta Field Pea EPD for more information.


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