Child care – Space Creation Grant

A grant for licensed child care operators interested in creating new child care spaces or starting new child care programs.

Important notice

The Space Creation Grant Program is no longer accepting applications. All applications already received will be considered for processing. Applicants will be notified once a decision has been made on their application.

Licensed non-profit and public child care providers may be eligible for the new Building Blocks Capital Grant Program, a one-time capital funding grant to support the creation of new full-time licensed early learning and child care spaces.

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Grant funding for new licensed child care spaces

The Alberta government is focused on building capacity in licensed child care. The Space Creation Grant will help enable up to 68,700 total new licensed spaces to be created by 2026. This includes 42,500 non-profit and 26,200 private (for-profit) spaces.

Applications for Space Creation Grant funding closed on November 12, 2024. Applications received prior to closure will continue to be processed as funding allows.

The Space Creation Grant targeted areas of high need and high demand for child care spaces through the following categories:

  • expanding existing or creating new licensed non-profit and private facilities in locations identified as child care deserts (communities where there is limited to no child care)
  • expanding existing or creating new licensed non-profit and private facilities where there is high demand
  • existing and new family day home agencies creating spaces in child care deserts (communities where there is limited to no child care) and areas of high demand

Areas of high need are determined based on child care coverage rates in the province.

Per space amounts

Per space grant amounts provided to eligible recipients will be up to:

  • $6,000 per space for new licensed facilities in child care deserts (communities where there is limited to no child care)
  • $5,500 per space for new licensed facilities where there is high demand
  • $5,000 per new space for existing licensed facilities where there is high demand
  • $1,350 per space for new or existing family day home agencies in communities where there is high need or high demand

Application status

Applications are closed.
