Canmore Area Trails Strategy engagement

Albertans can provide feedback to help inform a new long-term trail management plan covering Canmore-area Crown land.


We are gathering feedback to develop a new Canmore Area Trails Strategy that will establish an integrated recreational trail system across Crown land within the Bow Valley.

The strategy is designed to address growing demand for trails in the Canmore area, providing world-renowned recreational opportunities while protecting local wildlife and conserving habitat. This engagement will contribute to a Crown land trails plan for the area and also support an update to the trails plan for the Canmore Nordic Centre Provincial Park.

Your input, as well as ongoing consultation with an advisory group including Indigenous communities and organizations, leaseholders, area landowners and local community organizations, will support Alberta’s commitment to improve recreational infrastructure and services in the Canmore area and the Bow Valley, ensuring that local trails may be enjoyed now and for years to come.


  • Open

    Public engagement is underway from June 24 to July 24, 2024.

  • Results under review

  • Completed

Who is listening

Ministry of Forestry and Parks


  • Phase 1

    Gathered baseline information and inventory of trails.

    Summer 2023
  • Phase 2

    Develop draft project Terms of Reference with advisory group.

    Spring 2024
  • Phase 3

    Gather Indigenous and public input on draft project Terms of Reference.

    We are here.
  • Phase 4

    Develop draft Canmore Area Trails Strategy.

    Fall/winter 2024/2025
  • Phase 5

    Gather Indigenous and public feedback on draft Canmore Area Trails Strategy.

    Winter 2025
  • Phase 6

    Release final Canmore Area Trails Strategy.

    Spring 2025

Get informed


A public webinar about the Canmore Area Trails Strategy project was held on July 2, 2024.

Visit the webinar recording to learn more about the project background, scope and engagement process.

Get involved

Online survey

Complete the online survey to share feedback on the draft project Terms of Reference before July 24, 2024.

Take the survey

Trail inventory map

Contribute to the Canmore Area Trail Inventory Map by dropping pins to notify us of trail opportunities and issues on both designated and undesignated trails within the project area before July 24, 2024.

Contribute to the interactive map

Input received

A diverse advisory group including representatives from Indigenous communities and organizations, leaseholders, area landowners and local community organizations were engaged to complete the draft project Terms of Reference for the Canmore Area Trails Strategy.


Feedback will help us develop the Canmore Area Trails Strategy, which be a Crown land trails plan for the area. The strategy will guide capital development improvements, availability of quality trail experiences and approaches to managing the positive and negative impacts of trail use in the area for the next 10 years.

The Canmore Nordic Centre Provincial Park trails plan will also be updated.


Connect with the Canmore Area Trails Strategy project team.
Email: [email protected]