Alberta is blessed with a diversity of natural landscapes. This includes grassland, parkland, foothills, boreal forest, Rocky Mountains and Canadian Shield. The province is also home to over 60,000 wild species.
Alberta's landscapes can be categorized into 6 unique natural regions:
- Boreal Forest
- Rocky Mountains
- Foothills
- Grassland
- Parkland
- Canadian Shield
These regions contain a vast array of landscapes, resources and biodiversity. Alberta’s parks and protected areas cover over 15% of the province. For our provincial Crown lands outside of parks and protected areas, we often refer to these lands as working landscapes because they are managed for the many values of Albertans.
Alberta is focused on protecting and conserving its rich, diverse landscapes and biodiversity for future generations in a sustainable way, based on the social, economic and environmental values of Albertans.
Alberta’s Crown Land Vision
Alberta’s Crown Land Vision is a common-sense approach to Crown land management that strikes a balance between conservation, recreation and economic use. It guides work on all aspects of that management – policy, planning, programs, delivery, and monitoring and evaluation. It also recognizes the importance of shared stewardship and emphasizes the need to work collaboratively.
Cumulative effects management
Alberta has a cumulative effects management system in place to understand and manage the effects of multiple activities on the environment, while considering social and economic value.
- Land and resource planning: cumulative effects
- Cumulative effects management and environmental management frameworks
- Surface Water Quality Management Frameworks
Success stories
The following success stories illustrate Alberta’s approach to biodiversity conservation and management in action.
Working with others
Alberta’s working landscapes play an important role in achieving biodiversity and conservation outcomes. Key to their management is working with those who also use those lands. Below are some examples of the ways we work together with our partners, communities, Indigenous groups and industry to manage for conservation and biodiversity in Alberta.
Working with Indigenous Peoples
Our government is listening to the Indigenous peoples of Alberta who share a deep connection with the land.
Alberta is advancing discussions with several Indigenous communities regarding cooperative management of five northeast wildlands parks. Cooperative management allows for traditional knowledge to inform management planning and operation and is a commitment towards reconciliation through respecting the roles of different worldviews in stewarding these lands.
Alberta has an Indigenous Wisdom Advisory Panel that advises the Chief Scientist and the Government of Alberta regarding how to respectfully apply traditional ecological knowledge and Indigenous wisdom to Alberta’s Environmental Science Program.
Sub-regional planning
Sub-regional plans make good on the government’s commitment to take action on caribou recovery while maintaining local industry and jobs and building strong communities. In April 2022, the government finalized the Cold Lake and Bistcho Lake sub-regional plans, the first two of 11 sub-regional plans covering 15 caribou ranges in Alberta. Planning for other sub-regions is currently underway, with recommendations coming from the province’s caribou sub-regional task forces.
Moose Lake Access Management Plan
The Moose Lake Access Management Plan, finalized in February 2021, respects the exercise of traditional land uses and cultural practices of the Fort McKay First Nation, the Fort McKay Métis, and other Indigenous Peoples, and the maintenance of the area’s ecological integrity, while allowing the carefully managed development of resources. The plan sets a maximum of 15% of the planning area that may be disturbed by industrial development at any given time, and significant measures must be in place to mitigate potential environmental effects related to development activities.
Recreation management
Recreation management in Alberta balances conservation of our natural resources and biodiversity with the growing desire for outdoor recreation opportunities, as well as economic development and the exercise of Treaty rights. This includes sustainably establishing and maintaining trails and trail networks, working collaboratively with partners, ensuring funding to support management and stewardship efforts, and providing “boots on the ground” resources to support good management.
- Sustainable trail management and the Trails Act
- Kananaskis Conservation Pass
- Public Lands Camping Pass
Parks and protected areas
Parks and protected areas are a key tool to manage for biodiversity conservation in the province. Alberta is home to over 470 unique parks and protected areas, accounting for more than 15% of the province.
Alberta’s 6 UNESCO sites
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) works with countries around the world to identify World Heritage sites. These are special places as unique and diverse as the wilds of East Africa's Serengeti, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Baroque cathedrals of Latin America. Alberta is home to 6 UNESCO World Heritage sites
Biodiversity indicators
To ensure that Alberta’s landscapes and wildlife are protected for the future, it’s important to keep track of how they change over time.
The Government of Alberta and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute are working to create indicators to get a full picture of Alberta’s biodiversity and how to keep nature healthy.
Nature is complex, so we need multiple indicators to measure and understand it. These indicators help us make decisions about land management and how to protect the environment. They can be used to check the health of Alberta’s ecosystems in either a small area or across the province.
The following 4 indicators have been developed so far:
Native cover indicator
This indicator looks at how much of Alberta’s land remains natural, without being changed by human activities like building cities, roads, or industrial sites. There are 2 types of native cover indicators: one for aquatic and wetland areas (like lakes and swamps) and one for land areas (like forests and grasslands).
Interior habitat indicator
Human activities can affect nearby natural areas, creating ‘edges’ that impact the habitat. This indicator measures how much of the habitat is left unaffected after taking out these edge effects.
Landscape connectivity indicator
Animals need to move between different habitats to survive. This indicator measures how easy or difficult it is for animals to travel across Alberta’s landscapes, considering how human activities might block their paths.
Stream connectivity indicator
This indicator looks at how connected Alberta’s streams are. Fish and other aquatic animals must be able to move freely through streams to complete their life cycles. This indicator checks for problems that can stop them from moving, like blocked culverts (pipes under roads).
Species management
The Alberta government plays an active role in recovering species at risk through policy and on-the-ground actions, ensuring healthy and robust wildlife populations through disease monitoring and management. Alberta works collaboratively with resource users and Indigenous groups. Below are some examples of the ways we manage the species in our province.
Species-at-risk recovery
Alberta’s government is committed to stabilizing, recovering and ultimately achieving naturally self-sustaining populations of at-risk species. To do so, we employ a combination of legislation, regulations, policy, land-use planning practices, stewardship and on-the-ground actions to conserve species at risk. Input from stakeholders, Indigenous groups and the public are used to develop practical recovery plans and build partnerships to implement effective conservation actions.
Native Trout Recovery Program
Alberta’s Native Trout Recovery Program is a comprehensive, long-term initiative aimed at conserving native trout and other coldwater fish populations in Alberta’s Eastern Slopes, including Athabasca rainbow trout, bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout. Mountain whitefish and arctic grayling, which are species of conservation concern, also benefit from actions taken under this program as they have overlapping habitat.
Wildlife health and management
Wildlife health is a key indicator of a healthy environment that sustains all species. Monitoring the health of wildlife species provides insight into potential risk to many sectors of our economy, health and wellness, including agriculture, tourism, recreation and human health. Alberta is actively involved in the surveillance and management of avian influenza, chronic wasting disease and bovine tuberculosis.
- Avian influenza outbreak in wild birds 2022: final report: April 1 to October 31
- Chronic wasting disease – impacts on wildlife and surveillance programs
- Bovine TB surveillance in Alberta
Ronald Lake Bison Herd
Under Alberta’s Wildlife Regulation, wild wood bison are now designated and protected as Threatened in specified Wildlife Management Units in northern Alberta. Alberta’s government has taken action to prohibit non-Indigenous hunting on the Ronald Lake bison population and establish the Ronald Lake Bison Herd cooperative management board and the Ronald Lake Bison Herd technical team in order to better support wood bison management and conservation.
Key programs
The use of targeted programs and funds is also a key approach in Alberta. See below for some examples of programs in the province that support biodiversity management.
Land Stewardship Program
The Land Stewardship Fund uses proceeds from the sale of public land to promote conservation of Alberta’s natural landscapes. The fund supports the conservation of land through either the Land Trust Grant Program or the Land Purchase Program. These grants support provincial conservation priorities, such as:
- maintaining large patches of native landscape
- conserving connecting corridors for biodiversity
- sustaining disconnected pockets of native habitat within fragmented landscapes
- supporting watershed functions for healthy aquatic ecosystems and water quality
Wetland Replacement Program
Wetlands are a vital part of Alberta’s ecological landscape and necessary for a sustainable economy and healthy communities. The Wetland Replacement Program provides financial resources for wetland restoration projects undertaken by municipalities, First Nations and non-profit organizations. The program prioritizes watersheds that have had the greatest loss of wetlands since 2015 and areas with the highest historical rates of wetland loss.
Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program
The Watershed Resiliency and Restoration Program (WRRP) increases the natural ability of the province's watersheds to reduce the intensity, magnitude, duration and effects of flooding and drought through watershed mitigation measures. Since its launch in 2014, the WRRP has funded the restoration, enhancement and conservation of more than 750 hectares of wetlands and over 1,500 hectares of riparian areas covering more than 150 kilometres of streambank.
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Phone: 780-427-2711
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