Beekeeper registration form

Beekeeper registration is mandatory and valid from the time it is issued to the following June 29.

Is this your first time registering bees with the Provincial Apiculturist?
Contact information
Primary registrant
Secondary registrant (optional)
Do you want to receive honey bee health alerts?
Winter Survival
Colony and equipment location
Did you purchase or acquire honey bees and/or used equipment this season?
Acquisition information
Did you sell or give away bees and/or used equipment this season?

Important: You may be contacted by the Provincial Apiculturist or inspectors to provide sales information. Accurate and up to date records must be maintained.

Note: If the form cannot be submitted, it has incorrect/incomplete information. Scroll up to see the impacted fields.


For questions or issues with the form, please contact [email protected] or 780-644-8746