Apply for an Exclusive Possession Order

Make a claim to become the owner of assets that you previously shared as a couple.

Mandatory requirements for Court of King’s Bench and Court of Justice in Edmonton and Calgary

Before beginning any family law action you have to complete the mandatory requirements


An Exclusive Possession Order is used when a couple – that’s married or in an adult interdependent relationship – can’t decide who’ll stay in the home or keep certain assets at the time of their separation.

The order only stays in place until the couple or the court decides:

  • who stays in the home
  • how the assets are divided

Adult interdependent relationship

Any of these relationships is an ‘adult interdependent relationship’:

  • interdependence with another adult for 3 years
  • less than 3 years where you’ve signed an Adult Interdependent Partnership Agreement
  • less than 3 years where the two of you have a child together

How to apply

Step 1. Fill out the forms

Divorce not started or adult interdependent relationship (no property action started)

Fill out these forms:

To apply for child or spousal support, fill out these forms:

Divorce in progress or adult interdependent relationship (property action started)

Fill out these forms:

To apply for child support, fill out these forms:

To apply for spousal support, fill out this form:

Step 2. File your claim

Do this at the Court of King’s Bench.

The application fee is $200.

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