Mandatory requirements for Court of King’s Bench and Court of Justice in Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer

Before beginning any family law action you have to complete the mandatory requirements


You can apply for child support as long as you have care and control over a child, even if you’re not their parent.

The amount of support you get is based on:

  • each parent’s income
  • a child’s needs

How to apply

Step 1. Gather your documents

The court will need your:

  • complete tax returns from the past 3 years
  • Notice of Assessment – a tax status form – from the past 3 years
  • pay stubs or other proof of income for this tax year
  • list of what you spend on special expenses, including receipts if possible

Step 2. Fill out the forms

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Never married, divorce not started or common law

If the other parent lives in Alberta, fill out these forms:

If the other parent lives outside Alberta, check to see if they live in a reciprocating jurisdiction:

  • if they do – complete an Interjurisdictional Support Order application
  • If they do not:
    • contact a lawyer in that country
    • file your claim with the court in the country where the other party lives

If you need to request the other parent’s financial information, fill out one of these forms:

Divorce in progress in Alberta

Fill out these forms:

Step 3. File your claim

Do this at the same court, in the same location, where you’ve either:

  • already been to court with the other parent
  • started any court action that has not gone to court

If you have not done either of these things, file your claim at any court in Alberta.
