Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office

The office administers federal firearms legislation, advocates for Alberta’s lawful firearms owners and promotes safety.

Report a public safety concern

If your concern is urgent or life-threatening, call 911.
If your concern is not urgent, contact the Canadian Firearms Program.


Alberta administers the federal Canadian Firearms Program to:

Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office collaborates with partners to:

  • reduce smuggling and straw purchasing
  • crack down on firearms theft
  • protect Albertans’ property rights

Firearms officers, agents and program staff, located across the province in Edmonton, Calgary, Coaldale, Grande Prairie and Red Deer:

  • license individuals and businesses, such as retailers and museums
  • conduct ongoing inspections of Alberta’s 340,000 individual licence holders to ensure they continue to meet eligibility criteria
  • approve and monitor shooting clubs and ranges
  • oversee firearms safety courses and designate firearms instructors
  • follow courts orders to ensure public safety
  • approve firearm purchases and sales
  • issue authorizations to transport and carry firearms
  • provide assistance to police investigations and court matters

Firearms in Canada are regulated by the federal Firearms Act and Part III of the Criminal Code.

The Government of Alberta administers the Canadian Firearms Program in the province, while the federal government is responsible for creating firearms legislation and regulations in Canada.

The Alberta Firearms Act clarifies the role of the Alberta Chief Firearms Office.

Firearms services

We administer the following services related to firearms:

For more information, see Firearms services.

Chief Firearms Officer

  • Image of Teri Bryant, Chief Firearms Officer

    Teri Bryant

    Bryant was a member of the Alberta Firearms Advisory Committee. She served as the secretary of the Alberta Arms and Cartridge Collectors Association for the past 16 years and is the president of the Military Collectors Club of Canada. Bryant was an associate professor with the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary on national and international business.

    As Chief Firearms Officer (CFO), Bryant demonstrates that public safety and a flourishing firearms community are mutually complementary goals. She will ensure that we preserve for future generations a firearms heritage that reflects Alberta’s values of safety, responsibility and respect for individual rights.

    A major part of CFO Bryant’s role is to help bond Alberta’s law-abiding firearms community together. Bryant has a strong presence in Alberta, connecting with stakeholders across the province to explain how the office advocates for law-abiding firearms owners and focus on safety.

Federal firearms updates

As of August 19, 2022, all individuals and businesses importing a restricted handgun into Canada require an individual import permit issued by Global Affairs Canada.

Importers must prepare and submit the appropriate import permit application(s) for all restricted handguns that are being imported into Canada. For a step-by-step description of how to apply for an Import Permit for Firearms, Related Goods and Ammunition, consult the Import Controls and Import Permits website.

Until the legislation and regulations are passed and their provisions come into force, all existing legislative and regulatory requirements governing firearms remain unchanged.

More information can be found at Public Safety Canada.


To reduce delays, ensure you include your PAL number or application number, full name and date of birth when you contact us.

Connect with Alberta’s Chief Firearms Office:

Hours: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-401-4140
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

Alberta Chief Firearms Office
PO Box 458, Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 2K1