Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) survey

Annual survey that gathers feedback on behalf of schools and school authorities to understand what works well and what needs improvement.


The Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) survey gathers feedback on the quality of education provided by school authorities and their schools. Schools and school authorities use this information to understand how they are doing and plan for the future.

Who gets a survey

The AEA survey is sent to parents or guardians of students in Grades 4, 7 and 10. In schools with fewer than 120 students in Grades 4 to 12 and most charter and private schools, survey are sent to parents or guardians of students in Grades 4 and above.

Teachers and students complete the survey online at school.

Take the survey

Parents or guardians will receive an invitation from their child's school to complete the survey online using a Random Access Code (RAC). The RAC is provided by their school on behalf of Alberta Education. Parents or guardians with more than one student in an eligible grade will receive a separate RAC for each child.

Only parents or guardians of students in participating grades will receive a RAC to complete the survey.

Responding to the survey is voluntary and anonymous.

Go to the survey

Survey questions

The AEA survey is different for students, parents and teachers. The survey is made up of questions that cover a variety of measures and tie back to Alberta Education’s Assurance Framework. For example:

Assurance DomainSurvey MeasureRespondent Groups
Student Growth and AchievementCitizenshipStudents, parents and teachers
Student Learning Engagement
Teaching and LeadingEducation Quality
Learning SupportsWelcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments
Access to Supports and Services
GovernanceParent InvolvementParents, teachers

Learn more about the AEA Survey methodology for rate calculation for English and French.

Survey examples

Survey results

The AEA survey asks the same questions each year so we can measure how schools are performing over time.

All responses are anonymous. Results are calculated at the provincial, school authority and school level and provided back to schools and school authorities for the purposes of their planning and reporting. For further information about the school or school authority results, please contact the school or school authority directly.

Results for groups with fewer than 6 responses are not reported.


Connect with the System Assurance Branch:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-643-9193
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)