Air quality modelling – Overview

Guidance on Alberta air quality modelling requirements and methods.

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Air Dispersion Modelling

Air dispersion modelling is a method of predicting the ground level concentration of one or more sources of air pollutants.

Ground level ambient concentrations of pollutants are predicted using information such as:

  • Land use (urban/rural)
  • Meteorological data (wind speed, temperature)
  • Pollutant source information (mass emission rate/stack gas temperature/flow rate)
  • Terrain characteristics

Results from this modelling are used to determine if an industrial air pollutant source is in compliance with ambient air quality objectives.

Air Quality Model Guideline 2021

Air quality modelling in Alberta required for regulatory applications must follow Alberta’s Air Quality Model Guideline. The 2021 version of the guideline will come into force on November 15, 2021. All air quality modelling for regulatory applications started on or after this date must follow this guideline.

The guideline has been posted on the Open Government Portal and may be found here:

(Draft) Interpretation of Air Quality Modelling Results for Regulatory Applications in Alberta 2024

A draft guideline to assist with interpreting dispersion air quality modelling undertaken in Alberta as per the Air Quality Model Guideline titled, '(Draft) Interpretation of Air Quality Modelling Results for Regulatory Applications in Alberta 2024', is available for public comment. Given a number of requests from the air quality modelling community to allow for a comprehensive analysis of this document the deadline for submission of comments has been extended until midnight February 12, 2024. For consideration all comments must be directed in writing to on or before the above closing date.

Regulatory Meteorological Data

An important component of any air quality modelling assessment is the meteorological data to be used. Information on the meteorological data to be used for regulatory applications is discussed in the Air Quality Model Guideline. A link to detailed information on this data, and how to obtain it is provided below:

Non-Routine Flaring Management

The Alberta government issued a guidance document for the modelling of non-routine flaring.

Additional information is available on the Alberta Energy Regulator website at:

Maximum Terrain Criteria

To determine whether an air quality modelling assessment needs to consider the surrounding area as complex terrain please consult the following spreadsheet for guidance.


For additional information related to air quality modelling in Alberta:

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