Health card updates

Update your health information if you move, have children, turn 21 or 65, get married, divorced or other relationship changes.

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When to update

Update your Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) information to:

  • change your mailing address
  • change your name
  • change your marital or relationship status
  • have a new child or dependant
  • remove a dependant who longer qualifies to be on your account
  • report a death

Update your information

Step 1. Complete the form

Fill out the form that applies to you:

Step 2. Submit your form

Take your completed form to a participating registry or send it to the AHCIP office.

Change your address


Your children should be registered as dependants under your AHCIP account.

Children are dependants if they are:

  • single children under the age of 21 and wholly dependent on the parent(s), including adopted children, foster children (if an income tax deduction was claimed)
    • in cases of separation or divorce, the custodial parent registers the children
    • in cases of joint custody, children are registered on the account of one or the other parent, but not both, as agreed to by both parents
  • single children who are 21 years of age or older and wholly dependent on the parent(s) because of physical or mental disabilities
  • single children who are under 25 years of age and enrolled in full-time studies at an accredited school

Learn about health coverage for students.

Turning 21

If you are 21 to 24 years of age (under 25), single and in full-time studies at an accredited school, you may be covered on your parent or legal guardian's AHCIP account.

Up to 3 months before your 21st birthday, your parent or guardian will receive an Application to Continue Dependent Status form to complete and take to a participating registry or fax to the AHCIP office.

You must have your own AHCIP account if you are no longer a student, or you are a part-time student 21 to 24 years old. Your personal health care number will not change a new card will not be issued.

Learn about health coverage for students.

Turning 65 – seniors

When you turn 65, you will receive additional benefits, including:

Marriage, separation or divorce

If you are married, you and your spouse must register together under the same AHCIP account.

Separated spouses may register together or separately.

Divorced spouses must register separately.

Interdependent relationships

Adult interdependent partners may register under the same AHCIP account or separately.

An adult interdependent partner is a person who lives together with another person in a relationship of interdependence:

  • for a continuous period of not less than 3 years
  • of some permanence, if there is a child of the relationship by birth or adoption
  • if the registrant and partner have entered into an adult interdependent partner agreement

An adult interdependent partner agreement is a written agreement between any 2 people who are living together or intend to live together in a relationship of interdependence. Learn more in the Adult Interdependent Relationships Act.

A person may not enter into an adult interdependent partner agreement if the person:

  • is a party to an existing adult interdependent partner agreement
  • is married
  • is a minor, unless the minor is at least 16 years of age, and the minor's guardian(s) gave prior written consent