Making every day more affordable
Alberta's economy remains strong, but we know Albertans are not immune to the high cost of living being experienced around the world. Learn ways you can meet the challenge of affordability with helpful tips and resources on financial literacy, debt management, and savings that empowers you to manage everyday expenses and prepare for life events.

Make informed money decisions by learning how to manage finances and make budgets.

Understand what you owe and how to handle your debt and credit when interest rates are high.

Strategies and tools to be ready for life events and care for your mental well-being.

Find resources to help students learn the value of money, how to budget and the importance of saving.

Find affordable ways to get a post-secondary education, pay for everyday essentials and loan repayment options.
Savings tips
Find ways to save more money and spend less on regular bills and everyday essentials.
Resources for post-secondary students
Find affordable ways to get a post-secondary education, pay for everyday essentials and loan repayment options.
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