Featured on Wednesday's Child: September 25, 2024

Misha, born in 2015, is a sweet and good-natured youngster with straight dark blond hair, and brown eyes that are alert to everything going on around him! He loves being around others and especially enjoys engaging one on one. He shows affection with people he is familiar with and feels connected by holding hands and trying to say your name. The activities he likes best are spending time playing outside, going for walks, watching movies, listening to music, and singing along to his favorite tunes.
Misha attends a specialized school program where he receives focused supports with his learning. Building skills communicating his feelings and needs is a focus. His teachers describe him as a well behaved and mild-mannered boy who likes to wander around and explore the classroom.
Misha is an endearing child who will do well in an attentive and loving two parent home, with or without other children. The best possible family for him will be dedicated to accessing the medical and developmental supports and services he requires and be committed to him maintaining meaningful relationships with his birth parents and family. The warmth and affection he receives will be returned in full to the family who embraces him!
If you are interested in adopting this child or sibling group, contact us using our form.