Adoption profile – Kayden

Kayden is an 11 year old boy.

Featured on Wednesday's Child: April 2, 2025

Adoption profile photo of Kayden - young boy with red hair wearing a velvet red tuxedo jacket with black lapels, white button down shirt and black bow tie

Kayden, born in 2013, is a very kind and happy boy with an amiable disposition. Although he can show an occasional stubborn streak, he is best described as having a helpful, easygoing and playful personality. These lovely traits are best shown in the delight he takes in making the people he cares about smile and laugh! Kayden has a range of activities that will keep him happily engaged, including swimming, bike riding, watching slightly “spooky” movies and playing with his favorite dinosaur stuffed animals. Going to the zoo and play places are favorite outings, and in his quiet time his artistic talents are applied to painting and drawing. Kayden is open to new experiences, be it trying new foods or new activities – at the moment, for instance, he is enthusiastic about the drumming lessons he is taking.

Kayden benefits from a modified school program that ensures he receives support in meeting his learning goals and maintaining his focus. He enjoys learning and applying himself, and the routine of completing a little daily homework is never a problem! Kayden has a very good memory and enjoys asking and learning about subjects he’s interested in.

The family that makes a forever commitment to this youngster will enjoy supporting him in reaching his potential and showing pride in his successes and in the gains he makes. A patient, loving, structured and physically active family would be wonderful for Kayden, with him offering many gifts in return. The ability to ensure he has access to helpful support services now and into adulthood would be perfect, as would a family committed to ensuring he remains well connected to his sibling and other extended family members.


If you are interested in adopting this child or sibling group, contact us using our form.