Adoption profile – Karina

Karina is a 13 year old girl.

Featured on Wednesday's Child: March 26, 2025

Adoption profile photo of Karina - young girl with curly brown hair in an orange top

Karina, born in 2011, is a friendly and enthusiastic young person whose wide range of interests make her fun to spend time with and get to know! She has a warm and animated personality, a great sense of humour and a love of connecting with people she trusts and feels close to. Karina is showing a current interest in learning Japanese, influenced by her enjoyment of anime and both listening and singing along to Japanese pop music. An active young person, she enjoys swimming, skating, riding scooters, playing basketball and badminton at school and attending WHL and NHL hockey games. Her more low-key interests include video gaming, painting, drawing and watching movies. Karina is never bored!

Karina is a wonderfully bright young person with full potential. She attends a regular school program where she is recognized as a capable if somewhat disinterested student! Her teachers, who appreciate her and recognize her ability to achieve, are consistent in encouraging her to apply herself more diligently to assignments and tests. A well-liked and social student, she connects well and makes friends easily.

This resilient and strong-willed young person has so much to offer! Karina’s quirky and fun personality will charm the patient, loving and understanding family that she needs and deserves. Support in facilitating ongoing contact with members of her birth family is essential, as is an openness to accessing any supports that she might benefit from as she moves through her adolescence and beyond.


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