Adoption profile photo of Journey: Young girl with a half ponytail in a black and red dress

Journey, born in 2019, is a friendly, social and curious little girl with a contagious smile. An engaging, playful and energetic child, Journey enjoys the company of her peers as well as adults.

Like most little girls, Journey loves to keep busy doing some of her favorite activities. With her huge imagination, creativity and energetic temperament, Journey enjoys dressing up, playing make-believe, playing with her Barbies, and nurturing and caring for her baby dolls. She also enjoys doing arts and crafts, particularly colouring. Journey shows a lot of determination and wears her heart on her sleeve.

Journey attends a specialized preschool program to support her development. Journey loves school and daycare and her teachers all appreciate her energetic enthusiasm! Journey is very caring towards other children and loves to be a helper to her friends in her preschool class.

Journey would benefit from 2 parents who can offer her patience, structure and unconditional acceptance. An active family with older children in the home would likely allow her the most effective adjustment and success. A family committed to accessing specialized services now and in the future is important so as to provide her with a solid emotional and developmental foundation, as will a sincere willingness to maintain meaningful family connections.


If you are interested in adopting this child or sibling group, contact us using our form.