Adoption profile – Donald, Lillian and Daniel

Donald, Lillian and Daniel are a sibling group of 3 children who are 10, 9 and 7 years old.

Featured on Wednesday's Child: March 19, 2025

Photo of Donald, Lillian and Daniel

Donald, Lillian, and Daniel are a bright and charming sibling group with more positive qualities than can be captured here! They are each other’s constants and require a family where they can be together and provided unending supply of affection, stability, and security. 

Donald, born in 2014, is an appealing youngster with an inquisitive and laid-back personality. He has a lot of varied interests, from cooking, history, architectural building, dinosaurs, learning survival skills, and camping.  Soft-spoken and polite, he is innately empathetic and shows great care towards animals.  Donald does well in school where he performs at grade level, enjoys supporting the younger children with their reading, and is a well-liked student.  He benefits from a calm and predictable home environment, patient understanding, and opportunities to remain active.

Lillian, born in 2015, is an active, bubbly, and outgoing little girl.  She enjoys being helpful, making people laugh, and being with her brothers. Like Donald, Lillian loves animals – specifically horses.  An active and energetic child, Lillian enjoys keeping busy with arts and crafts, playing outdoors with her brothers, swimming, dance classes, and gymnastics. A smart and capable student, a few strategies to maintain focus allows her to achieve at or above grade level. A voracious reader, she can get through several novels in a week! Much like her brother, consistency, clear expectations, and an active lifestyle work for her.

Daniel, born in 2017, shares the same athleticism, energy, and enjoyment of staying busy as his siblings. Camping, playing hockey, doing gymnastics, building structures out of available materials, learning about science and history, and collecting chicken eggs are a range of interests and activities that keep him happily engaged.  A highly intelligent youngster, he is academically gifted and performs well above what would be expected of his same age peers. This kind and caring boy is able to communicate his needs and opinions and would benefit from a family that can provide him with opportunities for both physical and intellectual stimulation.

These remarkable children will thrive in a single or two parent home, with or without other children, where they feel loved and appreciated and where their parent or parents have lots of time, energy, and nurturance to give them. A commitment to helping them maintain ongoing connections to extended family members would be essential to their wellbeing.

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