Featured on Wednesday's Child: February 12, 2020

Austin, born in 2009, is a sweet young boy with a slight build, short dark hair, large blue eyes, and the most endearing smile ever! He relies on his hearing to understand and interact in his environment, so really enjoys music and toys that offer auditory stimulation. Austin can sit and stand with assistance, and likes to move around and go places in his wheelchair. With the full support of his caregivers, Austin enjoys a wide range of experiences, including camping, movies, swimming, skiing, playing hockey, and going to the spray park! Engaging with his caregivers and other children makes him very happy.
Austin loves attending his specialized school program where he continues to receive dedicated support for all areas of his development, with an emphasis on speech and motor skill development. To ensure his learning is maximized, his current program also includes teaching and support for his caregivers.
Austin is most content in a calm and quiet setting, and would do well within a two parent adoptive home where he is on his own, or has older siblings. His family should have the ability to provide dedicated individual care, ensure he maintains a close connection to specialized resources, and celebrate his sweetness and unique contributions.
If you are interested in adopting this child or sibling group, contact us using our form.