Abattoir Licence Application
An abattoir licence enables an individual to operate an abattoir, which is a premise where animals are slaughtered and meat is prepared, packaged or stored. This includes multi-location or mobile abattoirs.
Under the abattoir licence, the Government of Alberta provides inspection services that allow for the slaughtered animals and their processed meat products to be sold for human consumption.
All licensed abattoirs must meet the requirements of the Meat Inspection Act and the Meat Inspection Regulation to ensure animals are fit for slaughter. The requirements for animal welfare and food safety must also be met.
Licensee responsibilities
Licence holders are responsible for the following:
- Reviewing and following applicable legislation and other licensing requirements.
- Adequately labelling product
- Providing potable water
- Ensuring compliance with bylaws in their county or municipality
Applicants that request an abattoir licence for the same plot of land as an on-farm slaughter operation are required to show that the On-Farm Slaughter Operation Licence premise and activities are separated from the abattoir premise and abattoir activities.
Legislative requirements
- Meat Inspection Act
- Meat Inspection Regulation
- Animal Protection Act
- Meat Facility Standards
- Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation
- Premises Identification Program
- Guidance on Specified Risk Material
- Humane Transport and Animal Welfare
- Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA)
- Canadian Sheep Identification Program (CSIP)
- Livestock Identification and Commerce Act
- National Building Code -2019
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
You can apply for an Abattoir Licence if you:
- Can lawfully operate a business in Alberta
- Are at least 18 years of age
5-year licence fee: $100
Licences are valid 5 years from the date of issue.
How to apply
- Review legislative requirements and licensee responsibilities
- Contact the Meat and Dairy Inspection Section (MDIS) at [email protected] for information on the abattoir licensing approval process.
Licensed slaughter operation directory
This searchable directory helps customers find provincially licensed slaughter operations or meat facilities located across Alberta. Your business information will be included in the directory. To opt out of the directory, contact us at [email protected].
Licence updates
Two weeks prior to:
- updating or renovating an abattoir, or
- changing or modifying processing steps or processing information
contact MDIS at [email protected] to request an Abattoir Licence Update application form
- Once the application form is received, check the “Update” box and fill in the required information.
- Submit the application form to MDIS, as indicated on the application renewal form.
Connect with the Meat and Dairy Inspection Team:
Email: [email protected]