Types of hazards
Here are examples of the 4 main types of workplace hazards:
Physical hazards
- using the same tool all day long
- being crushed by equipment
- tripping or falling
Biological hazards
- bee stings
- allergic reactions to plants, insects or mold
- being in contact with materials where viruses or bacteria are present
Chemical hazards
- using cleaning products regularly
- using paint materials regularly
- using toxic chemicals
Psychosocial hazards
- bullying, intimidation, verbal or physical abuse
- long working hours
- rotating shift work
Job-specific hazards
Different jobs have different health and safety hazards. Which hazards are unique to your job?
- Retail Sales
- Cooks
- Food and Beverage Servers
- General Office Clerks
- Lawn Care Specialists
- Painters
- Shippers and Receivers
Reasons for injuries
Some of the reasons young workers are at a greater risk for injury at work are:
- lack of work experience and training
- lack of confidence or understanding their rights
- lack of preparation for the workplace
- reluctance to ask questions
- being distracted or having other things on their mind
- pace of work
Top workplace dangers
Occupation Health and Safety (OHS) looked at claims from young workers injured on the job and identified the most dangerous tasks. In general, we found that 15 to 19-year olds suffer different injuries than 20 to 24-year olds.
Top 5 dangers for 15 to 19-year olds
- Lifting objects – causing sprains, strains and tears
- Falling – causing sprains, strains, tears and fractures
- Working with knives – causing cuts and lacerations
- Working on hot substances or surfaces – causing burns
- Working with cart, dolly and hand truck – causing sprains, strains and tears
Top 5 dangers for 20 to 24-year olds
- Lifting objects – causing sprains, strains and tears
- Falling – causing sprains, strains, tears and fractures
- Working on elevated levels – causing sprains, strains, tears and fractures
- Working on hot substances or surfaces – causing burns
- Working with knives – causing cuts and lacerations
Connect with OHS:
Phone: 780-415-8690 (Edmonton)
Toll free: 1-866-415-8690
TTY: 780-427-9999 (Edmonton)
TTY: 1-800-232-7215