The Province of Alberta is divided into a series of Wildlife Management Units (WMU). Wildlife within the boundaries of each WMU is managed by the Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas according to the regulations established in Alberta's Wildlife Act.
WMU Maps and Legal Land Descriptions
WMU boundaries shown within this website are small-scale approximations of the actual units legally described in the Wildlife Regulation (AR 143/97) and subsequent amendments.
To identify the WMU in which you wish to hunt, select a WMU from the list on the left side of the page below to view a map and legal land description.
It is your responsibility to know in which WMU you are hunting and the seasons, rules and regulations that govern hunting in that WMU.
Prairie WMU Seasons (100 series)
Prairie WMUs 100 Series and 732
Parkland WMU Seasons (200 Series and 728, 730, 936)
Parkland WMUs 200 Series (728, 730, 936)