Wildlife diseases in Alberta

Information and factsheets about common diseases and parasites in fish and wildlife in Alberta.


The diversity of wildlife in Alberta surpasses that in many other Canadian jurisdictions. Resident wild species can range from ants and antelope to walleye and whiskeyjacks, and includes naturally occurring diseases and parasites.

Disease agents and parasites can raise some obvious concerns about whether Alberta’s wild species are a risk to people, to livestock or to other wildlife. In fact, such risk is rarely the case.

By far, the majority of individual fishes and wildlife in Alberta are healthy; it’s a rare event to see sick or dying animals. That said, diseases and parasites are a natural part of any ecosystem and the balance among all free-ranging native species.

Wildlife diseases and parasites

Below is information on some common wildlife diseases and parasites in Alberta, and the programs that have been implemented to understand and, if necessary, manage them.

Fact sheet index and general information

Diseases You Can Get From Wildlife – A Field-guide for Hunters, Trappers, Anglers and Biologists

  • A booklet on the BC Environment website providing text and pictures to help inform and protect readers from potential infection with disease agents that sometimes occur in western Canada's wildlife.

What's Bugging Wild Critters?

  • An introduction to the fact sheets of common parasites and diseases of fishes and wildlife in Alberta.

Common parasites and diseases of fishes and wildlife in Alberta: Index

  • An index of linked titles of online fact sheets of common parasites and diseases of fishes and wildlife in Alberta.

Wildlife and Human Health in Alberta

  • A factsheet that outlines the general impacts of wildlife diseases on human health, and how to mitigate the risk of infection.

Information by disease

Find information and resources for particular wildlife diseases by selecting from the list below.
Note: Diseases marked with an asterisk (*) indicate zoonosis – a wildlife disease or infection that can be transmitted to people.