Wildfire compliance and enforcement

Alberta Wildfire relies on legislation, education and enforcement to help prevent wildfires and protect the safety of Albertans.

Call 310-FIRE (3473) to report a wildfire in a forested area.


Alberta Wildfire is committed to protecting Alberta’s communities from the threat of wildfire through its compliance and enforcement program. The goal of the program is to reduce the number of human-caused wildfires through public education, compliance and the enforcement of legislation, including the Forest and Prairie Protection Act.


The Forest and Prairie Protection Act is the primary legislation which enables the protection of the forests and prairies of Alberta from wildfire.

Fines and violations

Individuals who knowingly contravene the act by starting a wildfire will be prosecuted in the courts and can now be fined up to $100,000 or imprisonment for up to 2 years. Industrial users who knowingly contravene the act and start a wildfire can be fined up to $1 million.

Corporations may also face administrative penalties of up to $10,000 per offence per day, for failing to comply with the act and regulations for less severe industrial based offences.

Violation tickets

Violation tickets will be issued for easily observable, straightforward non-compliance. Ticket amounts range from $360 to $1,200 per violation including a 20% victim surcharge under the Victims of Crime Act that is automatically applied to each ticket.

Violation Fine
Burning without having a permit on site $360
Leaving a campfire unattended $600
Failing to extinguish an outdoor fire during a fire restriction or ban $600
Using tracer, incendiary ammunition, fireworks or exploding targets in a forested area $600
Failing to dispose of debris in accordance with the regulations $600
Operating an off-highway vehicle where it is prohibited by a fire ban or forest closure $1,200
Interfering with wildfire control operations Court appearance

For a full list of ticketable offences and fine amounts, see Specified penalties under the Forest and Prairie Protection Act.



Below is a list of potential actions that a Fire Guardian, Forest Officer or Peace Officer may take depending on their level of authority.