We gathered input from Albertans to help finalize the draft Management Plan for Wild Turkeys in Alberta that outlines actions to best manage the wild turkey population.
Wild turkeys were introduced in Alberta in 1962 to create new opportunities for gamebird hunting and wildlife viewing. Since then, self-sustaining wild turkey populations have established themselves in southern Alberta and are hunted on a limited draw basis.
The purpose of this engagement was to:
- educate Albertans on the status of wild turkeys in the province
- gauge level of interest and support for wild turkey populations in Alberta
- gather feedback on the goals outlined in the management plan
As part of our Vision for Recreational Hunting, ongoing collaboration with landowners, conservation organizations and Albertans is required to understand the interest in wild turkey populations and to improve and direct management actions.
Survey from August 23 to October 3, 2021
Results under review
Who is listening
Ministry of Environment and Parks
Input received
Online survey
Albertans shared their feedback on the actions outlined in the draft management plan through an online survey between August 23 to October 3, 2021.
Feedback was collected on topics related to:
- public education
- interests and concerns of landowners
- allocation of turkey hunting opportunities
- Increasing the range and population of wild turkeys in Alberta
Thank you for your participation. We are currently reviewing feedback.
Feedback collected will inform the future work of wild turkey management by strengthening future versions of the plan and helping us to improve tools and policies used to achieve our conservation mandate.
For more information, read the Management Plan for Wild Turkeys in Alberta.
If you have questions or concerns about this engagement, email jason.caswell@gov.ab.ca.